
Interfloor / Workhouse



Meet the Tredaire-nauts: Your New Underlay Ambassadors!

Underlay isn’t at the top of your mind until you need it. Interfloor, one of the biggest brands in the business, know this only too well and therefore worked with Workhouse Agency to make their Tredaire brand name more memorable. Central to the campaign were animated brand ambassadors called Tredaire-nauts and we were commissioned to design and bring to life a series of animations involving the characters, that would stick in the mind of potential customers. Based on astronauts, the Tredaire-nauts had to be more than just cute; they had to embody the comfort and luxury of Tredaire underlay in a memorable way.

The campaign involved three 30 second animated adverts, inviting consumers to explore the world of Tredaire, which promises to deliver a sensation like nothing on Earth.




The journey began with the meticulous design of the Tredaire-nauts themselves. Our team of talented artists worked tirelessly to bring these characters to life, infusing them with personality and charm. From initial sketches to detailed digital renderings, every aspect of the character design process was carefully considered to ensure that the Tredaire-nauts captured the essence of weightlessness, comfort and joy. Once the character designs were finalised, the real magic began as we embarked on the production process, developing storyboards and weaving together stunning visuals ato create an out of this world experience. From choreographing the movements of the Tredaire-nauts as they gracefully floated through space to T-Rex’s Cosmic Dancer, to adding the finishing touches that brought the entire scene to life, every step of the animation production process was aimed at encapsualting the tagline ‘Feels like nothing On Earth.’

Tredaire animations
Tredaire animations

Client: Interfloor

Creative Agency: Workhouse

Animation Director: Andrew Lord

Production Studio: Flipbook

Music: T-Rex